
Other Materials

CD Formulation offers other materials related to excipients, including Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, Carrier Excipients, and more. We provide high quality products that can be used in our customers' drug development to help them quickly complete their drug development projects.

Classification of Other Materials

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) is the most important component of a drug that enables it to achieve the desired effect. Usually, a drug contains a single API, but there are also drugs that contain several APIs that exhibit different physiological effects.

  • Carrier Excipients

Carrier excipients are designed to interact with and enhance the properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.

  • Catalysis

A catalyst is a substance that affects the rate of a reaction without being consumed by itself. Positive catalysts promote reactions, while negative catalysts decrease them. Catalysis occurs by changing the activation energy of a reaction without changing the thermodynamic properties of the reaction.

  • Co-processed Excipients

Co-processed excipients are combinations of excipients whose purpose is to change their physical properties in a way that cannot be achieved by simple physical mixing, and without significant chemical changes.

  • Desiccants

Desiccants are substances that remove moisture from moist substances.

  • Foaming Agents

Foaming agents are a class of surfactants that reduce the surface tension of water and form foam so that air bubbles in aerated flotation slurries can attach to selectively flotation mineral particles.

  • Humectants Excipients

Humectants are most commonly used in pharmaceutical formulations to control moisture. Humectants are hygroscopic substances used to reduce moisture loss and prevent drying of different types of products, not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in food and cosmetics.

  • Hydrotropy Agent Excipients

A hydrotropy excipient is a substance added to a mixture of two or more separate substances that are usually incompatible, so they can be mixed. Hydrotropy agent excipients are added to increase the solvent capacity of the primary substance in the mixture.

  • Increased Bioavailability Excipients

Most APIs are poorly soluble in water, and the addition of excipients can effectively improve the solubility of insoluble substances.

  • Lipid Excipients

Lipid excipients can solve most of the difficult problems encountered in drug development, such as improving the solubility and bioavailability of drugs.

In addition to the above, you can ask us for more categories that are not in the list and our team will customize the relevant products for you.

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Please note: Our products and services are not intended to be used directly in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
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