
Food Spices

Cat.No. Product Name CAS Inquiry
CDF4-0179 Allspice Powder Inquiry
CDF4-0180 Anise Seed Inquiry
CDF4-0183 Cinnamon, Cassia Powder Inquiry
CDF4-0182 Clove Powder Inquiry
CDF4-0178 Coriander Powder Inquiry
CDF4-0181 Coriandrum sativum Inquiry
CDFS-0001 Water Soluble Vanillin Inclusion Complex Inquiry

Product Introduction

Food Spices

The addition of spices to food can add to the pleasure of eating, as well as bring a wealth of nutrients that contribute to human health. The compounds that produce the unique flavor or piquant odor of a spice are often involved in the plant's own protection from environmental damage. Spices added to food retain much of their biological activity after they are ingested by the body: for example, antioxidant properties that are beneficial to human health. Spices can reduce the risk of "civilizational diseases" such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and have recently been shown to promote the growth of "beneficial" bacteria in our body's microbiome.

Spices' Role in Food

Salt, sugar, and fat intake can be reduced by using spices, and vegetable intake can be increased by using spices. It is crucial to make the right food choices in order to reduce the risk of nutritional diseases associated with unhealthy food choices.

  • Spices can reduce salt intake

Eating foods with spices can help the majority of consumers to reduce salt intake, ensure good taste and texture despite salt reduction, and also prevent high blood pressure.

  • Spices can increase vegetable intake

For some people, vegetable intake is low, but eating spicy foods and using spices in cooking can increase vegetable intake.

  • Spices make people more receptive to low-fat, low-sugar foods

The palatability of low-fat, low-sugar foods flavored with spices increases, while the palatability of the same foods without spices decreases.

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